Wednesday, March 25, 2009

APOSTOLIC VISIT- 2008 At Pazhukkamattom St Mary's Simhasana Church

Patriarchal Message

His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, the Supreme Head of the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church at the ST. MARY’S CHURCH, PAZHUKKAMATTOM In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the One True God ? Amen ? Your Beatitude, our beloved Brother-in-Christ Catholicos Mor Baselios Thomas I, Your Eminences our Beloved Metropolitans, Very Rev. Corepiscopos and Rambachans, Reverend Vicar and Assistant Vicars of this church, Reverend Priests, Deacons and our beloved spiritual children ? We are very happy to be here with you all, and we thank God for enabling us to visit this blessed church in the name of our Holy Mother ? As we understand this church has become a pilgrim center and a source of miracles and blessings for all ? Though the church is not big in terms of its parishners, due to the able leadership of its vicar – Rev. Fr. Saju Cheruvilil, you were able to build this beautiful edifice for the glory of God and for the edification of the faithful ? We are also pleased to understand that, from the beginning you have stood firm and loyal to our Holy Apostolic See of Antioch and All the East, and was zealous in keeping the apostolic faith and traditions of our Holy Universal Syrian Orthodox Church ? When threats rose against its allegiance to the Holy throne, people from all religions came up to protect this church from the hands of the invading enemies ? Thus this is a church that shines as a tower of light for the whole region ? We congratulate all the devoted faithful of this region for their love, zeal and esteem for this church ? Our beloved spiritual children, we entreat you to always follow our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ? Be true witnesses of the truth that He showed us ? Abide in Him always, and He shall protect you from all evil ? Submit ourselves to the will of God following the model of our Holy Mother St ? Mary ? May God bless you all through the Intercession of the Holy Virgin Mother of God and all the other saints ?

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